D’s First Time At Camp
My First Camp Experience Arriving at camp for the first time in May I was both nervous and anxious. I had all the butterflies. The Monday voice chats from the discord server helped me get to know people beforehand and help me feel more comfortable. On the actual day when I was leaving for the trip all the nerves were there. Would everyone like me? Would I have a good time? It didn’t take long for me to realize that the answer to both of these questions would be yes. From the very start of camp waiting on the registration ...
Cargo Weasel’s Report
THURSDAY and OVERVIEW Feeling a little nervous, I arrived at the site, Camp Ramblewood in northern Maryland around 3:30 pm. At the gate is registration and badging, and a photo waiver - a black badge lanyard means it's okay for the camp photographer to take your picture, a red lanyard/wristband means they cannot. Apart from the official photographer, there is a strict no-cameras policy at Camp. After registration I unpacked my gear into the Littles Cabin, cabin ABCD - four cabins surrounding a central bathroom and entryway in one wooden building. The beds are boxsprings and plastic-lined double-size mattresses on ...
Parlay Memories – 2009
~Walking hand and hand with Sir on the paths ~bringing breakfast in bed ~morning coffee ~bonding with family, sharing in the joy of those i care about ~hearing good girl spoken in THAT tone for the first time ~being superfierce ~Topless softball ~naked swimming ~giving foot rubs in the oasis ~borderless communication ~discovering new interests ~ponies, ponies, ponies ~4 AM discussions around the firepit ~7AM discussions in front of HQ ~Topping an actual person...um...well sort of ~hanging with friends, old and new ~being stolen in the night by delightfully wicked, fearsome Lady Captains ~playing dress up ~beginning to learn to ...